Embraer has reached a notable milestone in the aviation industry with its newest aircraft, the E190-E2 and E195-E2 jets, securing the 120-minute Extended Twin-engine Operations (ETOPS) certification. This significant achievement, awarded by aviation authorities including the Brazilian Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC), the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), represents a crucial advancement for the Brazilian manufacturer.

The ETOPS certification plays an essential role in aviation, allowing twin-engine planes to fly routes that are as much as 120 minutes from the nearest suitable airport in the event of a single-engine failure. This capability is crucial for flights traversing large bodies of water, remote areas, or regions that were previously only accessible by aircraft with three or four engines.

This certification demonstrates the E2 jets’ robust design and system reliability, underscoring Embraer’s commitment to innovation, efficiency, and safety. Embraer’s commercial aviation CEO, Arjan Meijer, highlighted that the ETOPS certification is more than a technical achievement; it is a strategic advantage that enhances the marketability of the E2 jets, especially in the Asia Pacific market. It enables airlines to operate more efficiently and directly, saving fuel and time, and provides access to a wider range of airports for emergency diversions.

The certification process experienced some delays due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly impacted the aviation industry, reducing operations and delaying the accumulation of necessary flight hours for the E2 fleet’s certification.

For carriers, the ETOPS 120 certification of the E2 jets offers the potential to improve operational efficiency and environmental sustainability. The ability to fly shorter, more direct routes over challenging geography and waters can lead to considerable reductions in time, fuel consumption, and operational expenses, as well as minimize the flights’ environmental footprint.

The ETOPS 120 certification affirms Embraer’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of aviation technology and meeting stringent global safety standards. With the E190-E2 and E195-E2 jets now ready to explore new markets, this certification marks a transformative step for commercial aviation, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, where geographic challenges have long influenced flight operations.